• 1. Step
  • 2. Step
  • 3. Recommendation
  • 4. Your details

Step 1

Answer the simple questions below to get your personalised recommendations and solution.

! What is your level of incontinence?

Mild          Moderate          Severe

! Do you need an incontinence solution during the day or at night?
! Do you walk or use a wheelchair?

  Walk                    Wheelchair

! Have you had your continence problem assessed by a Healthcare Professional?

   Yes                        No

Step 2

! Have you previously used a sheath, or measured yourself using the Coloplast Measuring Guide?

It is very important to have the right size of sheath to avoid urine leakage. We will send you a measuring guide and instructions of how to measure yourself discreetly in the post.

! Select your sheath size (if your current size is not listed, please choose the closest smaller size):
! Do you, or have you previously used any of the following?

Your recommendation

We think this is a possible solution for you and we will send you some information and/or samples for you to try. 

We’ll be in contact with you shortly to discuss your request further as we’d like to ensure we send you the right solution. In the meantime, we will send the below information in the post. Simply complete your details in the next step.

! Please select at least one product

Please wait...

Please complete your details below and we will send you the information and recommended solution:

Thank you for taking the assessment

An email has been sent to you with your results and the recommended solution we will send. If you have been prompted to use a measuring guide, you can email your respective size to solutions@coloplast.com. Please provide your full name, and postcode.


Sample request

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