Coloplast UK awarded ‘Outstanding’ CQC rating for our nursing and telehealth service
Coloplast UK has been awarded an ‘Outstanding’ inspection rating – the highest rating possible - from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for its nursing and telehealth service. We are the only company in our field to have received an ‘Outstanding’ rating for a service like this in England.
The nursing and telehealth service is how Coloplast UK uniquely partners with the NHS, other healthcare providers and charities to support individuals with intimate healthcare needs, such as those living with a stoma or needing to perform intermittent self-catheterisation. Our services give patients access to specialist care and support from Registered Nurses, as well as ensuring that they have the products they need delivered to their door. For patients with a stoma or requiring continence support, our service provides much needed guidance and advice to help them to live life to the full. Over the last year, 41,500 people used our service, which patients and carers described to the CQC as having staff who are “committed and prepared to go the extra mile to provide care for their patients.”
Pictured: Wendy Osborne, Clinical Lead, Coloplast
The CQC inspection report also noted that the staff at Coloplast’s nursing and telehealth service “treated patients with compassion and kindness and respected their privacy and dignity. Staff took account of their individual needs and helped them understand their conditions.” It went on to report that the inspection “found highly dedicated and passionate staff who were committed to providing a good service for patients and partner organisations. All staff we spoke with were positive, knowledgeable and passionate about their work.” The inspection reviewed the service’s performance against a wide range of criteria, including staffing levels, infection control measures and staff training and competencies. The CQC spoke to 23 members of staff, ten patients and two carers as part of this process.
The nursing and telehealth teams at Coloplast work seamlessly together to ensure that all patients are supported throughout their journey when they need it most. A recent example of this is a patient who was referred for a virtual consultation with a Coloplast Nurse by a Coloplast Charter Telehealth Specialist. The aim of the consultation, which took place within an hour of referral, was to re-educate the patient on their routine, including important hygiene advice to reduce UTI risk. Access to high quality virtual support like this has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it expected that this demand will continue. The Coloplast nursing and telehealth service is committed to continuing to play its part to support the NHS and to deliver a trusted service for patients.