What is stoma?

If you are facing stoma surgery, you are probably going through a well of emotions. What does it mean to have a stoma? How will life change? How do I share the news with my family and friends? The idea of having a stoma may take some getting used to and it's only natural to be looking for information and advice as you are preparing yourself for life with a stoma. In this article, we address many the common questions about stomas, how it connects to your digestive system and what happens after your surgery.


Knowing what a stoma is and how it is created is an important first step in understanding how it may affect daily life.

A stoma is a small opening in your abdominal wall that allows waste to pass from your small intestine (ileum) or large intestine (colon). The small or large intestine is brought out to the skin in the abdomen during surgery. A bag (or pouch), is placed over the stoma, to collect faeces or urine from the opening.

Who needs a stoma?

The following diseases and conditions can cause the need for a stoma (ostomy) operation:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Crohn's disease
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Bowel cancer
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Trauma
  • Diverticulitis
  • Any critical issues with your digestive system or a diseased bowel can cause the need to have your bowel removed
The need for an ostomy procedure can occur at any age and does not lower life expectancy. A stoma doesn't require medicine or other pain relief after you have recovered from surgery. Most often, stoma surgery will be planned in advance, so you have time to prepare for the procedure and can talk everything through with your doctor or a stoma nurse. However, in fewer cases, it will be an emergency surgery if your condition is critical and ostomy surgery can be a life-saving procedure.

How does a stoma look and feel?

A stoma is usually moist and pinkish-red because it is a mucous membrane, just like the mucous membrane inside your mouth. After surgery, your stoma may be dark red and quite swollen to begin with but will reduce in size over time – usually after six to eight weeks. The stoma is usually positioned below your waist line of your abdomen.  However, it will depend on the section of your colon that's been removed. Prior to your surgery, you will have a consultation with a stoma care nurse or your surgeon during which you can discuss the placement of your stoma.

There is no sensation in the stoma so it is not painful to touch. The stoma can bleed a little when you clean it, especially in the beginning, but this is quite normal and should stop shortly afterwards.

Understanding your digestive system and your urinary system

If you are preparing for a stoma surgery, it's good have basic knowledge on your digestive system and urinary system. Understanding how food and liquid is digested in your intestines can help you understand how your stoma works. A colostomy and ileostomy work within your digestive system, whilst a urostomy works within your urinary system.

Your digestive system

The stomach

When you eat, the food travels down a long, narrow tube called the food pipe into your stomach. Here, the food is churned into smaller pieces and your digestive juices turn it into liquid.

The small bowel

The journey continues as the contents of your stomach move into the small bowel (ileum), where digestion finishes. Your body absorbs the nutrients it needs for energy, growth and building new cells and channels these into the bloodstream.

The large bowel

When all nutrition has been absorbed, the remaining material move into the large bowel (colon), where your body absorbs more fluid to make the waste more solid. The muscles in your colon wall then push any waste forward into your rectum, where it passes out of your body through your anus, with the aid of the sphincter muscles, as stool.

Your urinary system

Urine is made by your kidneys and travels down two tubes called the ureters to your bladder. Urine is produced all the time, but it is stored in your bladder until you get a sense that you need to urinate. The urine then passes out of your body through the urethra.




If you have a stoma, you can try our BodyCheck tool to ensure optimal fit between your body and your baseplate.

What are the different types of colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy?

There are three different types of ostomy procedures: Colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy. The type of colostomy and ileostomy that is relevant for each patient, depends on their condition.

Learn more about the different types of ostomy procedures to understand how they are carried out, and what kind of stoma bag and supporting products are suitable for each stoma.

What can I expect after stoma surgery?

The first few weeks after your stoma surgery can be challenging and we know that it takes time to adjust to having a stoma and you may change how you feel about yourself. However, most people with a stoma are able to lead completely normal lives and resume to normal activities after having settled with their new routines.

You are never alone

After your operation, you will stay in the hospital for a few days, allowing your body to recover and heal. A stoma care nurse will help you become confident in taking care of your stoma. Having a spouse or relative with you at this time can be helpful, and they can make sure that you continue with your new routines once you're home. You can also discuss with your nurse when you'll be able to resume to normal activities.
Your nurse will help you with:

  • Learning how to care for your stoma, including any possible complications to watch out for
  • Re-ordering stoma bags and supporting products
  • Other practical and social aspects of living with a stoma, e.g. what food and drinks is good to eat and what should be avoided, your social life and how to talk to your family and friends about your stoma, travelling and your intimate relationships
  • Who to contact when you have questions
  • Stoma support groups in your area

Overcoming challenges: We're here to help

Once you are home, you may experience some challenges caring for your stoma. But remember that our Clinical Solutions team will be more than happy to help you with any issues.

To get in touch email us at help@coloplastcharter.co.uk.

How do I care for my stoma?

In the beginning, your stoma may need extra care and attention as you recover from surgery. It will be swollen, but slowly shrink to its normal size over the next 6-8 weeks. The best way of caring for your stoma is watching what and when you eat and drink, and taking good care of the skin around your stoma.

Caring for your skin

  • Always - clean the skin around your stoma with warm water, and let it dry completely before you attach your stoma bag
  • Be mindful of any products you use on the skin around the stoma. Avoid any products that contain alcohol and can dry out your skin. Also avoid products that contain oil, which can make it harder to attach the stoma bag.

What is the best ostomy product solution for you?

It may take some time before you find a stoma product that fits you perfectly and the stoma bag you are using when discharged from the hospital will most likely not be your permanent solution.

Some people with a stoma can experience sore skin around the stoma, skin irritation and leakage. Usually, this would be a sign that you need to have a review by your stoma nurse.. Your stoma bag should always fit snugly around your stoma. However, a stoma can change over time, especially if your body shape changes. After a stoma operation, your body may change for a number of reasons. These include:

  • Weight gain or loss as you recover from the illness that caused the operation
  • Folds or scar tissue in the skin surrounding your stoma

Change in body profile around your stoma for example development of a parastomal hernia. If your body profile changes, it’s important that you make sure your pouch still fits snugly. Make sure you assess the fit of your pouch at least once a month, and even more frequently in the first couple of months after your surgery. Always check in with your stoma nurse if you are experiencing serious skin complications or leakage.

Take the test: What product is right for you?

If you experience a stoma leakage or sore skin around your stoma, try one of our Ostomy Self-Assessment Tools. We have 3 self-assessment tools designed to help guide you in finding the ostomy solution that is best for you and your body.

Coloplast offers a wide variety of stoma products to suit every kind of stoma and body shape. Our products are designed to give you a custom fit and prevent leakage. We also offer a wide range of supporting products such as adhesive removers and seals, which can help reduce skin irritation and ensure a better fit.



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