What can I expect after stoma surgery?
The first few weeks after your stoma surgery can be challenging and we know that it takes time to adjust to having a stoma and you may change how you feel about yourself. However, most people with a stoma are able to lead completely normal lives and resume to normal activities after having settled with their new routines.
You are never alone
After your operation, you will stay in the hospital for a few days, allowing your body to recover and heal. A stoma care nurse will help you become confident in taking care of your stoma. Having a spouse or relative with you at this time can be helpful, and they can make sure that you continue with your new routines once you're home. You can also discuss with your nurse when you'll be able to resume to normal activities.
Your nurse will help you with:
- Learning how to care for your stoma, including any possible complications to watch out for
- Re-ordering stoma bags and supporting products
- Other practical and social aspects of living with a stoma, e.g. what food and drinks is good to eat and what should be avoided, your social life and how to talk to your family and friends about your stoma, travelling and your intimate relationships
- Who to contact when you have questions
- Stoma support groups in your area

Overcoming challenges: We're here to help
Once you are home, you may experience some challenges caring for your stoma. But remember that our Clinical Solutions team will be more than happy to help you with any issues.
To get in touch email us at help@coloplastcharter.co.uk.
How do I care for my stoma?
In the beginning, your stoma may need extra care and attention as you recover from surgery. It will be swollen, but slowly shrink to its normal size over the next 6-8 weeks. The best way of caring for your stoma is watching what and when you eat and drink, and taking good care of the skin around your stoma.
Caring for your skin
- Always - clean the skin around your stoma with warm water, and let it dry completely before you attach your stoma bag
- Be mindful of any products you use on the skin around the stoma. Avoid any products that contain alcohol and can dry out your skin. Also avoid products that contain oil, which can make it harder to attach the stoma bag.
What is the best ostomy product solution for you?
It may take some time before you find a stoma product that fits you perfectly and the stoma bag you are using when discharged from the hospital will most likely not be your permanent solution.
Some people with a stoma can experience sore skin around the stoma, skin irritation and leakage. Usually, this would be a sign that you need to have a review by your stoma nurse.. Your stoma bag should always fit snugly around your stoma. However, a stoma can change over time, especially if your body shape changes. After a stoma operation, your body may change for a number of reasons. These include:
- Weight gain or loss as you recover from the illness that caused the operation
- Folds or scar tissue in the skin surrounding your stoma
Change in body profile around your stoma for example development of a parastomal hernia. If your body profile changes, it’s important that you make sure your pouch still fits snugly. Make sure you assess the fit of your pouch at least once a month, and even more frequently in the first couple of months after your surgery. Always check in with your stoma nurse if you are experiencing serious skin complications or leakage.
Take the test: What product is right for you?
If you experience a stoma leakage or sore skin around your stoma, try one of our Ostomy Self-Assessment Tools. We have 3 self-assessment tools designed to help guide you in finding the ostomy solution that is best for you and your body.
Coloplast offers a wide variety of stoma products to suit every kind of stoma and body shape. Our products are designed to give you a custom fit and prevent leakage. We also offer a wide range of supporting products such as adhesive removers and seals, which can help reduce skin irritation and ensure a better fit.