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Feeling of discomfort during removal or emptying of bag because of odour

Odour can be bothersome when changing or emptying the bag, not least when away from home. Some may also fear a noticeable odour in their everyday life. A few drops of deodorant in the bag can help reduce the odour. See below for recommendations.


Brava® Lubricating Deodorant Brava® Lubricating Deodorant

Multi-lubricating effect

Odour from output or output gathering around the stoma is a challenge for many ostomates.

Specifically designed to be used inside the bag, Brava Lubricating Deodorant helps to mask odour when changing or emptying the stoma bag, whilst the lubricating effect makes it easier for output to go to the bottom of the bag.

This can help reduce pancaking of the stoma bag. The Brava Lubricating Deodorant is available in bottle or sachet form.

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IMPORTANT! If you have any concerns – such as skin problems or how to use new products – you should always consult your stoma care nurse.

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  • Ask a trusted relative/friend to be honest and tell you if they can notice any odour. 
  • A household air freshener sprayed out into the room can help mask the smell when changing the bag.
  • Try changing the bag more frequently (the filter might be contaminated by output, or the foil might be worn out).
  • Make sure the outlet is cleaned properly upon emptying (if using drainable bags).
  • Try another type of pouch with another type of filter (SenSura Mio for instance).
  • Avoiding foods that intensify odour can be helpful (fish/eggs/leafy vegetables).  For those with a urostomy, asparagus can intensify the smell of urine.
  • Use a filter cover (they are little stickers that come in the box with your appliance) when your pouch gets wet.
  • Odour in your everyday life may be caused by inappropriate product choice or application. A review of the stoma / body profile can help you check if this is the case. Consider taking the BodyCheck to ensure you are using the right appliance or use our Apply-Check-Remove (ARC) tool to check that you are following the right application routine.

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