To prepare for your test session, please answer the questions below

GDPR requires we ask your consent to collect and process the information you provide.
I hereby give my consent and allow Coloplast to use the information I provide (name, age, gender, location, email, level of experience using catheters, responses to questions and tasks) to carry out the study and further develop and improve digital services.
To proceed to the study, you also need to read and agree with Coloplast’s Terms and Conditions for the study:
To be eligible for the Gift Card, the test session participant is required to accept the test session recording of audio & video and make sure the sound is clear and audible. Furthermore, the respondent must answer all the questions related to the prototypes and elaborate when asked to do so. Videos that fail to meet these requirements will be flagged as disqualified and the respondent will not be eligible for compensation.


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