Male incontinence video guides

Solutions for male incontinence vary according to your lifestyle. The short video guides explain clearly how to use an external catheter such as our Conveen® Sheath, applying different style leg bags, and how to use a drainage bag.


How to apply a sheath

How to apply a Conveen Optima sheath

Watch how to apply a sheath

How to apply a Conveen Optima sheath


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How to apply a Simpla Profile leg bag

How to apply a Simpla Profile leg bag

How to apply a leg bag and connect it to a sheath.

Watch how to apply a leg bag

How to apply a Simpla Profile leg bag


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How to apply a Conveen Active leg bag

How to apply a Conveen Active bag

How to apply a leg bag designed for active life styles.

Watch how to apply a Conveen Active leg bag

How to apply a Conveen Active bag


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How to apply a bedside drainage bag

How to apply a bedside drainage bag

How to apply a bedside drainage bag for night time use.

Watch how to apply a bedside drainage bag

How to apply a bedside drainage bag


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Conveen® Active leg bag

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Coloplast Conveen® Active leg bag

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