ConvenientSpeediCath Flex is available in standard-size and pocket-size packages. Choose the variant that suits you best. Request your free sample
DiscreetFor tidy, discreet & hygienic disposal, Speedicath Flex can be re-closed and then resealed within it's packaging.Request your free sample
Flexible tipFor easy guidance and gentle passage through the curves and bends of your urethra.Request your free sample
Dry-sleeveEnsures the catheter can be inserted without having to touch the tube itself.Request your free sample
Soft-squeeze gripMakes it easy to guide the tip into the urethra safely without touching itRequest your free sample
EasyThe new & improved packaging is easy to open, easy to close, and completely aluminium-free, reducing its CO2 footprint.Request your free sample
Click on the circles, and discover how SpeediCath Flex® makes catheterisation hygienic, flexible and discreet.