Our bodies change over time

If you worry about leakage, it can help to find a stoma bag that’s the right fit for you. But, it’s not always straightforward - all bodies are different and change over time. These changes can be caused by: Diet and ability to exercise, pregnancy, parastomal bulging, weight gain, sickness or ageing.

The key to finding the right ostomy product for you, is to find out what the area around your stoma is like.


If the area around your stoma is level with your abdomen, the flat SenSura Mio could be right for you. 

If the area around your stoma sinks into your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Convex. It helps to seal and help the stoma protrude into the bag.

If the area around your stoma rises from your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Concave. It’s the only baseplate specially designed for bulges and curves to provide a secure fit.


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