Our bodies change over time

If you worry about leakage, it can help to find a stoma bag that’s the right fit for you. But, it’s not always straightforward - all bodies are different and change over time. These changes can be caused by: Diet and ability to exercise, pregnancy, parastomal bulging, weight gain, sickness or ageing.

The key to finding the right ostomy product for you, is to find out what the area around your stoma is like.

If you know the product sample you would like to request fill in the form below. Alternatively, why not try the BodyCheck and discover which is the right stoma baseplate for you.

If the area around your stoma is level with your abdomen, the flat SenSura Mio could be right for you. 

If the area around your stoma sinks into your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Convex. It helps to seal and help the stoma protrude into the bag.

If the area around your stoma rises from your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Concave. It’s the only baseplate specially designed for bulges and curves to provide a secure fit.

Free downloadable guides about living with a stoma

What is balooning

When you swallow food or water, you also swallow a certain amount of air. Most stoma pouches have charcoal filters built into the bag. These allow the wind to be released. However, if the filter capacity cannot handle the amount of wind produced, or if the filter has become wet or blocked by the stoma output, ballooning can occur.

Want to know more, download our free infromation sheet on How to reduce ballooning of your stoma bag.

Tips to stop pancaking

Pancaking happens when there is a vacuum in the stoma bag and the bag sticks together. This stops the output from dropping to the bottom of the bag and can block the filter. There is then a risk that the pouch will be pushed off the abdomen.

Want to know more, download our free infromation sheet on How to reduce pancaking of your stoma bag.

Mesha's routine

Mesha uses the SenSura Mio Concave baseplate and stoma bag to get the best fit for his peristomal area. In order to get the best fit for his routine and lifestyle, Mesha has customised his solution using Brava Supporting products after consultation with his Stoma Care Nurse.

Brava Adhesive Remover lessens the chance of trauma on the skin by allowing easy removal of the baseplate and any leftover residue – without compromising the adhesion of the next product. Brava Adhesive Remover is available as a spray and also as a convenient wipe.

Leakage and skin irritation are common challenges for people with a stoma, a key cause of which is poor product fit. The Brava Protective Seal is very flexible and robust, following body movement so it fits snugly around the stoma and stays firmly in place even over dips, creases and folds, sealing the gap between the stoma and the baseplate.

Brava Elastic Tape secures the position of the baseplate. The elasticity of the soft, hydrocolloid tape means that it will follow body contours and movement allowing greater stability of the baseplate. This can mean greater security and longer wear-time of the stoma bag. Brava Elastic Tape is available in other shapes to fit other body profiles and baseplate shapes.

Odour from output or output gathering around the stoma is a challenge for many ostomates. Brava Lubricating Deodorant helps to mask odour when changing or emptying the stoma bag, whilst the lubricating effect makes it easier for output to go to the bottom of the bag.

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