The knowledge that no two bodies are the same is at the core of our thinking and drives us on in our quest to design and develop solutions that can fit securely and comfortably to any body shape. We call this human-centric innovation.
Human bodies share the same basic form but vary infinitely in terms of size and shape. What’s more, bodies don’t remain constant. We lose weight, or put it on. Our stomachs can bloat, our muscles contract. We move around, often vigorously. For some people, there are also hernias and scarring to consider.
The challenge is made all the more pressing by the knowledge that appliances that don’t fit securely to the body are a major cause of leakage – often the wearer’s biggest concern. By taking our starting point in people’s needs, Coloplast has set out on a journey to develop products that deliver a close fit to the peristomal area.